The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has released the complete collection of video recordings from the IEEE IDEaS 2023 event. The videos can be found here.

Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Date: 21 November 2023
Room 202, AGSE Building, Wakefield Street, Swinburne University, Hawthorne Campus.
Panel discussion: Improving test and evaluation efficiency and effectiveness in managing risk for capability equipment for defence and security operations
Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld, RAAF (Rtd)
Major General Kathryn Toohey, Australian Army (Rtd)
Vice Admiral Michael Noonan, RAN (Rtd)
Discussion Panel Moderator
Professor Gary Hogan AM, CSC
The International Defence and Security (IDEaS) Symposium is an Annual Event that brings together participants in innovation eosystems from Defence, Industry and Academia to exchange ideas and information and to foster connections and collaborations among Military operations, Defence decision-makers, Academic researchers and Industry capability developers.
This Symposium aims to bring together subject matter experts from Military, Government, Industry, and Academia to discuss the development of Defence and Industry Sovereign Capability for the Defence and Security of their nations. Key capabilities identified include, but not limited to:
- Robotics, Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence
- Human-Autonomy Teaming
- Command and Control
- Decision Support
- Power and Energy/Green Hydrogen
- Information Warfare, Cyber and Network Enabled Capability
- Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
- Advanced and Networked Sensing
- Health, Nutrition and Technology Driven Training
- Quantum Technology for Sensing and Imaging, Communication and Cryptography and Computing and Simulation
- Space Technologies
This is an invitation to academics, defence research institutions, industrial and commercial organisations, and the military to attend and/or offer ideas and experience in the field of developing Defence and Industry Sovereign capability and associated disciplines.
General Chairs:
Saeid Nahavandi (Australia)
Ming Hou (Canada)
Organising Committee
LCdr Adam Bradly (Medical Service Corps, United States Navy)
Jessie Chen (United States Army Research Laboratory, USA)
Maj David Dunwoody (Office of the Secretary to the Governor General, Canadian Armed Forces)
LCdr Joseph W Geeseman (Medical Service Corps, United States Navy)
Ming Hou (Defence Research and Development Canada)
A. (Anneloes) Maij (Royal NLR – Netherlands Aerospace Centre, the Netherlands)
Saeid Nahavandi (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
LCol Edgar Reuber (EUROCONTROL and German Air Force)
Dale Richards (Thales, United Kingdom)
Stefan Wolfgang Pickl, (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany)
Eddie Tunstel (Motive Space Systems, USA)
Michael Hardy (KBR, Australia)
Vinod Puri (CSIRO, Australia)
International Technical Committee
Dr. Adrian Stoica (JPL – NASA, USA)
Professor Rodney Roberts (Florida State University, USA)
Professor Abdollah Ebbie Homaifar, North Carolina A&T State University, USA)
Dr. Eddie Tunstel (Motive Space Systems, USA)
Professor Arash Mohammadi (Concordia University, Canada)
Professor Henry Leung (University of Calgary, Canada)
Professor Anthony A. Maciejewski (Colorado State University, USA)
Professor Mehrdad Saif (University of Windsor, Canada)
Professor Stefan Wolfgang Pickl (University of the Bundeswehr Munich , Germany)
LCdr Adam Bradly (Medical Service Corps, United States Navy)
Professor Vinod Puri (CSIRO, Australia)
Jessie Chen (United states Army Research Laboratory, USA)
Maj David Dunwoody (Office of the Secretary to the Governor General, Canadian Armed Forces)
LCdr Joseph W Geeseman (Medical Service Corps, United States Navy)
Dr. Ming Hou (Defence Research and Development Canada)
Michael Hardy (KBR, Australia)
A. Anneloes Maiji (Royal NLR – Netherlands Aerospace Centre, the Netherlands)
Professor Saeid Nahavandi (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
LCol Edgar Reuber (EUROCONTROL and German Air Force)
Dale Richards (Thales, United Kingdom)
Regular Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit Abstracts or full-length papers electronically through the conference website. Papers (6 pages) should be concise but contain sufficient details and references to allow critical review.
Submission of Abstracts and Regular Papers: August 30, 2023